Popular model picture 150 dark oatmeal color top FEAR OF GOD Pandabuy Link For ESSENTIALS 22ss style 1977 beauty trend

Popular model picture 150 dark oatmeal color top FEAR OF GOD Pandabuy Link For ESSENTIALS 22ss style 1977 beautiful round neck sweater for men and women couples pure cotton autumn and winter hooded sweater as the current super popular American high street brand FOG unique street Gothic style without exaggerated design The pattern is unique and has successfully captured a large number of fans. It has quickly become popular all over the world. It uses high-end materials and pays attention to quality and details. Celebrities from all walks of life like to wear this brand of clothes in their private clothes. The same style is often seen by the public at the airport. The threads and yarns are all 100 pure cotton. All the cotton threads are dyed so that there is no color difference at all. They are skin-friendly and comfortable and will not irritate people. They are also easy to wash. Different colors and thicknesses are different. The specific weight and the size of the clothes are also related to the difference. The knitting method of this piece of clothing is not difficult at all by reducing the cost and reducing the size and thickness. The ordinary 357-needle yarn blowing knitting method by any of the other peers simply does not understand the difficulty of making a sweater. The most difficult thing about making a sweater is to make it. The style is consistent. The style is the final effect. For example, three yarns are combined into one and then weaved. How the three yarns are intertwined is called juxtaposition. The same three yarns are not the same, but the effect is not the same at all. Only the combination is good. The one that is well made is not pure black, but something like deep iron black with a gray yarn inside. Black is the most difficult of all colors, and it is also made through the same weasling process as heather gray. After many tests, the color of the yarn has been adjusted countless times. Testing and making samples are the only way to achieve the final consistent style. I won’t go into details about the accessories. The correct version is all available. All the accessories are available, including the color, iron, black, wheat gray, and size SXL.

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