350 new product Fear of god FOG multi-thread Pandabuy Link For ESSENTIALS cotton clothing is a very popular American high street brand f

350 new product Fear of god FOG multi-threaded Pandabuy Link For ESSENTIALS cotton clothing. As a very popular American high-street brand at the moment, fog has a unique street Gothic style without exaggerated design patterns and unique cutting patterns. It has successfully captured a large number of fans and quickly became popular all over the world. It uses high-end materials and pays attention to quality. and details. Celebrities and male idols from all walks of life love to wear this brand of clothes. The same style is often seen by the public at the airport. The high street style off-set design is trendy, cool and versatile. The adjustable rope straps are not It can be worn by both men and women of any body shape. Generally speaking, the quality version is to buy the original version and print it with high precision. Whether it is the fabric workmanship or the details of the accessories, the inside is down cotton. What we make will not have wool or cotton everywhere like the low-end versions on the market. Shift is truly good quality, functional, super warm and anti-drip and windproof. The inner lining is made of 230t polyester taffeta fabric, also known as taffeta. It is made of polyester silk or real silk. The polyester taffeta fabric has a good glossy appearance and smooth feel. The slippery lining is skin-friendly and the lining is quilted using imitation down cotton. The so-called imitation down cotton is neither down nor cotton. It is a polyester fiber formed by processing polyester and fibers with excellent performance. It is light, soft, and tensile for the warmth of down jackets. The principle is to take advantage of the fact that air is a poor conductor of heat and use down to store air to achieve the effect of keeping warm. This material has the fluffy and warm properties of down but does not shrink into a ball when exposed to water like down, so the performance of storing air increases. The thermal performance will not be gradually affected by use. Size SXL

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