P470 northern worker down jacket Shen Min'er's same design concept. This is The North

P470 northern worker down jacket Shen Min'er's same design concept. This is the high end of Pandabuy links for The North Face peak. The process is very complicated, not just a down jacket as simple and warm. Do not lose the geese this winter. This winter must need such a thick winter fabric characteristics to fill the 80 genuine imported special goose down light. Quality goose velvet filling is not thick and heavy and compressed after the fluffy recovery. Single -finished finished product is more than 1 kg but there is no sense of load, super lightweight goose down is widely used for skiing clothes cold -proof clothing original high -density outdoor waterproof material wind -resistant tear -resistant and tear -resistant anti -tear -resistant anti -tear -resistant fabric The hardware of the hardware is customized by the original factory 100 restoring quality multifunctional pockets for easy use of maintenance and cleaning instructions on both sides and clothes explanation. Factory set 100 restore -engraved quality Backs are built -in network pocket YKK Yoshida ISO9000 top -level ZP zipper craft loose version of the upper body casual comfortable comfort to provide warmth for winter outdoor warmth and warmth, lightweight, moisture -proof, difficult to clean and take care of it. Extremely high size S2XLS code shoulder width 58 bust 118 clothing length 72 sleeve length 61m code width 59 bust long 73 sleeve length 62L width 60 bust long 74 sleeve 63xl width 61 bust long 75 sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve sleeve 642XL code shoulder width 62 bust 134 clothing length 76 sleeves long 65

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